Weekly Happenings
March 19, 2020
March 18, 2020 - Holy Week Worship Services
April 5: Palm Sunday Worship 10am
April 9: Maundy Thursday Service 7pm
April 10: Good Friday Tenebrae Service 7pm
April 11: Easter Vigil Service 7pm
April 12: Easter Sunrise Service 6:30am Ocean Front Park, Kure Beach with Kure Beach First Baptist Church
Easter Resurrection Worship 8:30am and 10am in our sanctuary
The remainder of our Lenten Dinner Church events for the year have been cancelled
Sunday worship: The “I Am” Statements Jesus in the Gospel of John
March 22: “I Am…the Good Shepherd” (John 10: 11-18)
March 29: “I Am…the Resurrection and the Life” (John 11: 17-27)
April 5: Palm Sunday
The Pancake Breakfast fundraiser scheduled for April at HyWay 55 has been postponed until it is safe to host it.
Game Night-- in the Fellowship hall Bring your favorite game or just stop on in! The games begin at 6:30 p.m.
3/19/2020 : we have suspended Game Night till further notice...
The following events in red have been cancelled
March Men's Breakfast: Come join us on Saturday, March 28 at 8:30am in the fellowship hall for a great breakfast, fun conversation and a meaningful devotion! Pastor Dan will be there at 7:30am to start cooking! So if you have something you want to bring or anything you want to contribute…please contact Pr. Dan! We would love to have you come early to help or have coffee and visit! See you on the 28th!
March Women's Breakfast: The women will meet at Kate's Pancake House in Carolina Beach on Saturday March 28 at 8:30am for their monthly breakfast. Be sure to join us for great conversation and a great breakfast!
Get ready to “Flamingo” your family, friends or neighbors! What is this you might ask? It is a way to share your love by giving a donation for the Costa Rica 2020 Mission Traveling Team to place a couple dozen flamingos in their yard for a donation toward our mission trip! They in turn can offer a donation to have them moved to someone else’s house…maybe even yours! It will be a fun way to support our mission team as well as to have fun with the people you care about!! They are great to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, or any other special occasion! Our “Pink Feathered Friends” are ready to go…along with our mission team! A reservation form will be included in the bulletin for the next couple of weeks! Or you may also call Pastor Dan or email him for more information or to reserve your flock! This is especially good time to bring joy to someone who doesn't feel comfortable going out in our current climate.
**If you wish to protect your yard from a plethora of these Property Protecting Pretty Pink Pets…you can purchase
Flamingo Insurance for a one-time cost of $40, giving you the security you are looking for! Give Pastor Dan a call for details!
Out of the Pews gathering was scheduled for Saturday, March 14th, however we will be rescheduling for Saturday, March 28 at 6:30pm. We will still meet at Keith and Jean G.'s home. Bring an appetizer to share and your own beverages and we will plan to see you there!
Book Club During March we will be reading The Book That Matters Most by Ann Hood. We will meet on Monday, April 6th in the fellowship hall to share conversation about the book and food. We have enough copies of the book for the current members to share. Anyone who is interested in joining us is encouraged to borrow a copy of the book from the library (audio, eBook, large print, etc.) and stop by around 6:00 PM!
Friday morning Book Group Our new book to purchase/borrow is Quiet: The power of introverts in a world that can’t stop talking by Susan Cain. We just began the new book on March 13th. Any questions please contact Becky W.
We are still collecting food for the Help Center till further notice:
The Help Center of Federal Point’s request each week:
The Needs in April 2020 include:
5 April....Mayonnaise or Miracle Whip.
12 April....Canned fish.
19 April....Pasta Sauce.
26 April....Canned Fruit.
The Needs in May 2020 include:
3 May: Tuna Fish.
10 May: Canned Meat.
17 May: Cold Cereal.
24 May: Jelly.
31 May: Peanut butter.
If you have question, please contact Anne Hope and Tim Marvin at 910-458-4057.
Senior Fitness Classes @ Maides Park! Call 910-341-7867 to register for programs. Class types include Geri Fit, Tai Chi for Arthritis, Senior Fit Class, and Master of Balance Fall Prevention Class. Classes are provided at no charge. Contributions are accepted.
April 5: Palm Sunday Worship 10am
April 9: Maundy Thursday Service 7pm
April 10: Good Friday Tenebrae Service 7pm
April 11: Easter Vigil Service 7pm
April 12: Easter Sunrise Service 6:30am Ocean Front Park, Kure Beach with Kure Beach First Baptist Church
Easter Resurrection Worship 8:30am and 10am in our sanctuary
The remainder of our Lenten Dinner Church events for the year have been cancelled
Sunday worship: The “I Am” Statements Jesus in the Gospel of John
March 22: “I Am…the Good Shepherd” (John 10: 11-18)
March 29: “I Am…the Resurrection and the Life” (John 11: 17-27)
April 5: Palm Sunday
The Pancake Breakfast fundraiser scheduled for April at HyWay 55 has been postponed until it is safe to host it.
Game Night-- in the Fellowship hall Bring your favorite game or just stop on in! The games begin at 6:30 p.m.
3/19/2020 : we have suspended Game Night till further notice...
The following events in red have been cancelled
March Men's Breakfast: Come join us on Saturday, March 28 at 8:30am in the fellowship hall for a great breakfast, fun conversation and a meaningful devotion! Pastor Dan will be there at 7:30am to start cooking! So if you have something you want to bring or anything you want to contribute…please contact Pr. Dan! We would love to have you come early to help or have coffee and visit! See you on the 28th!
March Women's Breakfast: The women will meet at Kate's Pancake House in Carolina Beach on Saturday March 28 at 8:30am for their monthly breakfast. Be sure to join us for great conversation and a great breakfast!
Get ready to “Flamingo” your family, friends or neighbors! What is this you might ask? It is a way to share your love by giving a donation for the Costa Rica 2020 Mission Traveling Team to place a couple dozen flamingos in their yard for a donation toward our mission trip! They in turn can offer a donation to have them moved to someone else’s house…maybe even yours! It will be a fun way to support our mission team as well as to have fun with the people you care about!! They are great to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, or any other special occasion! Our “Pink Feathered Friends” are ready to go…along with our mission team! A reservation form will be included in the bulletin for the next couple of weeks! Or you may also call Pastor Dan or email him for more information or to reserve your flock! This is especially good time to bring joy to someone who doesn't feel comfortable going out in our current climate.
**If you wish to protect your yard from a plethora of these Property Protecting Pretty Pink Pets…you can purchase
Flamingo Insurance for a one-time cost of $40, giving you the security you are looking for! Give Pastor Dan a call for details!
Out of the Pews gathering was scheduled for Saturday, March 14th, however we will be rescheduling for Saturday, March 28 at 6:30pm. We will still meet at Keith and Jean G.'s home. Bring an appetizer to share and your own beverages and we will plan to see you there!
Book Club During March we will be reading The Book That Matters Most by Ann Hood. We will meet on Monday, April 6th in the fellowship hall to share conversation about the book and food. We have enough copies of the book for the current members to share. Anyone who is interested in joining us is encouraged to borrow a copy of the book from the library (audio, eBook, large print, etc.) and stop by around 6:00 PM!
Friday morning Book Group Our new book to purchase/borrow is Quiet: The power of introverts in a world that can’t stop talking by Susan Cain. We just began the new book on March 13th. Any questions please contact Becky W.
We are still collecting food for the Help Center till further notice:
The Help Center of Federal Point’s request each week:
The Needs in April 2020 include:
5 April....Mayonnaise or Miracle Whip.
12 April....Canned fish.
19 April....Pasta Sauce.
26 April....Canned Fruit.
The Needs in May 2020 include:
3 May: Tuna Fish.
10 May: Canned Meat.
17 May: Cold Cereal.
24 May: Jelly.
31 May: Peanut butter.
If you have question, please contact Anne Hope and Tim Marvin at 910-458-4057.
Senior Fitness Classes @ Maides Park! Call 910-341-7867 to register for programs. Class types include Geri Fit, Tai Chi for Arthritis, Senior Fit Class, and Master of Balance Fall Prevention Class. Classes are provided at no charge. Contributions are accepted.